Little Dove Co. exists to help you and your family get the rest you need. This is not sleep training, this is education, customized support and a tailored approach for your family.

We offer virtual one-on-one support, educational resources, and courses designed to help you thrive as a new parent. Ready to get started?

Hi, I’m Liz!

I’ve been there, done that as a sleep deprived parent. I’ve googled all of the things, like I’m sure you have. I’ve been so tired I cried. I thought I would never sleep again. Spoiler alert: I did!

I decided to create a community where there would be no pressure to sleep train, but a place for education, support and a space where you can feel normal about your baby’s sleep.

I live just outside of Charlotte, NC with my husband, our one year old daughter and our cat. No matter where you live, everything offered here is fully virtual, so you can learn in the comfort of your own home! My goal is to support you and your family with the tools you need to cope, adjust, and identify issues that could be keeping you from getting the rest you need!